Posts Tagged OSHA

OSHA latest Top10 Violations

September 20, 2019  |   Posted by :   |   CT McCabe Consulting Blog   |   Comments Off on OSHA latest Top10 Violations»

At the 2019 National Safety Council Congress & Expo in San Diego, California Patrick Kapust, deputy director of OSHA’s Directorate of Enforcement Programs, presented the agency’s top 10 violations for fiscal year (FY) 2019 to a crowd of safety professionals. ...

OSHA fines to increase up to eighty percent

December 3, 2015  |   Posted by :   |   CT McCabe Consulting Blog,Safety   |   Comments Off on OSHA fines to increase up to eighty percent»

The following article was taken from the LHSFNA’s Occupational Safety and Health Magazine OSHA Fines to Increase up to Eighty Percent A lot of things have gotten more expensive over the last ...